

清水保育園からのお知らせ News from Shimizu Nursery School

清水保育園のEnglish Lesson のご案内

当園では、ゆず組(0歳児)から、英語の童謡を聴いたり、フラッシュカードや絵等の教材を通して、ネイティブな英語を聴いています。耳に馴染んでいることで 「Lesson」が 始まると、正しい発音・言葉が話せるようになります。日々「おはよう」「さようなら」「また、 会いましょう」と英語の先生との挨拶を楽しんでいます。

We will inform you about the English Lessons at Shimizu Nursery School.

The class from 0 age (Yuzu Class) is also studying English while listening English nursery rhymes let them listen first because 0 age are good in listening. The teacher keeps things clear by using visual aids like flashcards and pictures is the one way also how we teach the 0 age. Some teachers also talked them a basic English language so the child will remember the words while their growing ,and the teacher keeps things simple and make the instructions clear to the students. And the foreign English teacher also great them in English language like saying good morning, goodbye, see you etc.
Four foreign teachers are having a lesson from 2 to 5 times in a week.


令和5年度第2回 English Event 令和5年5月30日(火)
2023 2st time English Event May 30,2023(Tuesday)
9:30~10:00 受付9:20~
園庭で開催いたします。(It will be held i n the garden.)
(雨天の場合は、園舎 の2階ホールで開催します。)
(In case of rain,the event will held in the 2nd floor hall.)

accept applications over the phone,but it will close the deadline as soon as the  capacity is reached.


★ 今年度より、Online English Lessonは 月に1回行われます。
From this year ,Online English Lesson will be held once a month.

※実習生受け入れも 随時行っています。


03-3899-8040 清水保育園 園長まで

※ If you’re a Japanese college student or vocational course student who wants to be a nursery teacher someday, we also accept trainees at any time.
※ If you are planning to apply in Shimizu nursery, please feel free to contact us.

Call reception hours (9:00:00)
Please feel free to contact: (03-3899-8040)

Shimizu Nursery Principal
